About Friends of West Windsor Senior Citizens
The purpose of FOWWSC is to raise funds to facilitate the enrichment of the lives of senior citizens of West Windsor Township by providing the means to acquire facilities, programming, equipment, materials and any other things necessary and desirable to achieve a full and active life for residents in their later years, as well as to raise public awareness of the valuable contributions of seniors to the community.
Board of Directors
Rich Carlson
Vice President
Andy Bromberg
Chris Wethe
Currently Open
Ephraim Buhks
Melisa Hager
Andrea Mandel
Val Mathews
Jessie Puchon
The Board of Directors meets at the Senior Citizen Center once a quarter. Friends' members and the public are encouraged to attend these meetings especially if you would like to become an actively involved Friend.
FOWWSC has several operating committees to guide its activities:
Nominating Committee:
Seek and present the slate of officers and Trustees- at-Large
Committee Chair: Andy Bromberg
Program Committee:
Recommends to the Board of Trustees specific projects and associated funding.
Committee Chair: Currently Open
Artists and Scholars Committee:
Develops recommendations for a series of lectures and performances at the Senior Center on themes pertaining to arts, music, travel, history, etc.
Committee Chair: Ephraim Buhks
Information Technology (IT) Committee:
Responsible for overseeing the organization's technology infrastructure, making strategic recommendations about IT spending, and evaluating new technology needs to support the organization's mission and goals.
Committee Chair: David Schuchman
The Board of Trustees may also establish such other committees as are believed by it to be necessary to achieve the purposes of the organization
FOWWSC seeks outright monetary gifts and future gift commitments that are consistent with its mission. Donations, given without restrictions, will be accepted from individuals, partnerships, corporations, organizations, government agencies or other entities without limitations-unless acceptance of gifts from a specific source is inconsistent with the organization's mission.
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